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Natalya Yeremenko (Tantris)

наталья еременко
Head of the School of interpersonal development, "Academy of Love" in Kharkov, leading classes in steamy yoga, tantra, breathing practices, organizer of training and festivals yoga and tantra (YoTa-fest, "Golden Unicorn"), a representative of the school of Lev Teternikov.
I came to yoga and tantra thanks to Lev Teternikov.
Since the dating of the number of passed my training and workshops on yoga, tantra and other spiritual practices passed a hundred. But I still think my main teachers are Lev Ivanovich and Olga Golikova (head of the school of Leo Teternikova in Moscow).
The main principle of my studies is a state in which you are working. And the opportunity to gently immerse yourself in the unique inner world.
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10.06.2013 Просмотров: 1153

tantric school, natalye yeryomenko, tantra kharkov

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