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sexual tantra in goa 2016-2017

Sexual Tantra in Goa by Darya Gablia
Eros's Breathing
Jan 4-12, Arambol, Goa
+ January 14-18 is a trip to the sacred aru Orunachala (Tiruvanamalayya), visiting the city of the future Auroville.
"Breath of Eros" - is an intensive and in-depth seminar that will help you:
See in the new way your life situation;
understand why it is difficult for you to go into close relationship;
Meet and let go your fears about sex;
Let the illusions about love go which do not let you love;
Expand and enrich your sexual power;
bring maturity into your relationship;
Learn to love and accept your body;
see and accept the beauty and divinity of man and woman, the yoni and lingam;
reunion with your body and senses and with your sexuality;
Open body for the energetic orgasm;
Clean up fears, remove the blocks and limitations with your sexuality and eroticism;
Strengthen your potency and appeal.
Only those who have been visititng such seminars already are invited . You definitely need to pass the first module of our Tantric program, which will be held in December 22-28, to participate in a "Breath of Eros."
It is better to come with your partner but it is also possible to find a partner at the seminar. To do this, you need to register in advance and pay half the cost of the seminar. In this case, the organizers will guarantee the participation and presence of the partner.
You will work with shame, fears and taboos during your practices . We will move in the direction of permission, release, opening your body and its possibilities.We will meet with orgasmic energy and the ability of the body to hold, feel and possess it. �
�This seminar is different slightly denser touch with your sexuality and eroticism .� A little more subtle awakening its sensibility. We will go deep into your fears associated with sex, we will explore something that we respond that we are attracted and how to sound sexually.
Safety and environmental space is guaranteed!
The cost of the workshop is 300 USD. If you make an advance payment and register in advance, the cost is 250 USD.
The training is supposed to have the equal number of men and women, therefore registration takes place according to the scheme: Record boy is waiting for a girl. If the same-sex participants are more, they are written in the stop-list until your partner will appear.
Seminar is conducted in two languages: Russian and English.
+ January 14-18 is a trip to the sacred aru Orunachala (Tiruvanamalayya), visiting the city of the future Auroville.
Sexual Tantra in Goa by Darya Gablia
Eros's Breathing
Jan 4-12, Arambol, Goa
+ January 14-18 is a trip to the sacred aru Orunachala (Tiruvanamalayya), visiting the city of the future Auroville.
"Breath of Eros" - is an intensive and in-depth seminar that will help you:
� See in the new way your life situation;
� understand why it is difficult for you to go into close relationship;
� Meet and let go your fears about sex;
� Let the illusions about love go which do not let you love;
� Expand and enrich your sexual power;
� bring maturity into your relationship;
� Learn to love and accept your body;
� see and accept the beauty and divinity of man and woman, the yoni and lingam;
� reunion with your body and senses and with your sexuality;
� Open body for the energetic orgasm;
� Clean up fears, remove the blocks and limitations with your sexuality and eroticism;
� Strengthen your potency and appeal.
Only those who have been visititng such seminars already are invited . You definitely need to pass the first module of our Tantric program, which will be held in December 22-28, to participate in a "Breath of Eros."
It is better to come with your partner but it is also possible to find a partner at the seminar. To do this, you need to register in advance and pay half the cost of the seminar. In this case, the organizers will guarantee the participation and presence of the partner.
You will work with shame, fears and taboos during your practices . We will move in the direction of permission, release, opening your body and its possibilities.We will meet with orgasmic energy and the ability of the body to hold, feel and possess it. �
About trainer:
DARIA Gabliya was trained by such masters of tantra as Sarovara (England) , Homa and Mukto (Brazil), Rada (Italy), Hariprem (India).
She was trained Taoist practices by Mantak Chia; Kundalini Yoga and White Tantra by Map Singh, was trained electroconvulsive therapy and training for trainers by E. Brodetskiy.


Trainer about herself:
"In my 15 years, my father brought me a book # Osho, and said," So You can not live in this world of course- but I grew up in the Soviet era in the military family- but read it, sooo interesting philosophy. " Then there were other books: Blavatskaya "Rose of the World" and many more that formed the attitudes and thinking of a teenager.

At 17, again with my father, I found myself in the spiritual center of San Matthew, where he first heard the word # meditation and received the initiation and instructions for meditation on the inner light and inner sound.

Next it was University in Italy, where I studied social psychology. When I return to Moscow where I was found of Buddhism Dzog chen. I worked in the "Open World" ethno-center, held Buddhist festivals, brought to Moscow various spiritual teachers and famous psychologists and esoteric.

Then Tantra became.


        I have visisted all teachers, coachers, masters, gurus Tantra, who came to Russia. I have been to seminars and ashrams in India, I have read an incredible number of books on this subject.

        I studed Educational trainings in body-oriented therapy, gender relationship (including in pairs), massage techniques, Taoist techniques to improve the health and management of sexual energy.


        I connect the work with body together with the emotions and energies , body-oriented practice with psychology and therapy. Psychology is a building of communication on the social level, in addition to this it is a good opportunity for the integration of the experience gained and the state into social life.



�This seminar is different slightly denser touch with your sexuality and eroticism .� A little more subtle awakening its sensibility. We will go deep into your fears associated with sex, we will explore something that we respond that we are attracted and how to sound sexually.
Safety and environmental space is guaranteed!
The cost of the workshop is 300 USD. If you make an advance payment and register in advance, the cost is 250 USD.
The training is supposed to have the equal number of men and women, therefore registration takes place according to the scheme: Record boy is waiting for a girl. If the same-sex participants are more, they are written in the stop-list until your partner will appear.
Seminar is conducted in two languages: Russian and English.
+ January 14-18 is a trip to the sacred aru Orunachala (Tiruvanamalayya), visiting the city of the future Auroville.

04.01.2017 Просмотров: 1327

sexual practices, tantra in goa
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