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tantra in goa

Training Shamanic Tantra 

with Yoganjana

Dec 22-28, Goa, Arambol

In shaman's reality there are three worlds: the lower, the middle and the upper. His ability to travel from one world to other makes it possible to hold the energy, control the elements, heal people, to feel the planet. Shaman is the one who knows how to find the entry point through which all parallel of universe, a point that connects the past, present and future.
A modern man also lives in the triune world, but the names of his other layers are different: physical, emotional and mental. Joined together at the current time, they also form a kind of point of entry into a new reality, which gives us unconditional love, good health, vital realization, inner harmony, joy of life. The point is called Mindfulness.

The whole world lives in the struggle for power. We learn how to extract, save and spend it so it will bring maximum satisfaction and high dividends. In fact, there are 3 energy sources we have .They are the movement, the breath and the sound. These are the three tools to raise your life to the new level quickly and effectively. With these three roads you will come to your Strength. These are the three components of the formula of orgasm that lead us to the satisfaction of life.
At the training, we will move to connect with your infinite source of energy and allow yourself to total enjoyment of being in your body, with your partner and on this planet.
We will sound to remove emotional armor and meet with our young vulnerable child, who has been waiting for long time when you finally become old enough to take his pain and laughter, sadness and hope.

We will breathe with every breath to let the world enter with its enormous gifts, to share our sincerity with each breath, allow yourself to become one with the surrounding space.

We suggest you to go to this Tantra-shamanic journey to learn how to:
-to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, without spending time and effort on other charges and easily and quickly move towards your goal;
-quickly raise your energy mark, filling the body with freshness, feeling relationship with the novelty, and the world with joy;
-heal yourself and others from illness and suffering with inner light and positiveness;
-accepting your deep feelings and dark sides, becoming subtly hearing for your loved ones and knowing the space unconditional love;
-live not in present but at the same time in the past, present and future, opening the wisdom of different generations inside of yourself ;
-enter the special condition which will allow you to experience the unity with the whole universe, and to get rid of the basic human fears 
-allow yourself the body wisdom to enter into more confidence in life and get rid of excess resistance on the way to your destination.

Most of the training will be dedicated to cleaning and filling of three bodies: physical, emotional and mental. These are the three pillars on which person is stending . And the status of each of the bodies shows us whether a person is able to love, to create, to make money, not to accumulate anger, forgive, trust life and much more.
We use the practice of ancient and neo-Tantra, as well as modern psychotherapy to turn the tumblers of all electrical wires that trigger nutrition for a healthy personality. We will allow ourselves feelings and reactions that were prohibited in childhood, squeezing into the Procrustean bed of social and family framework. We will do the dynamic meditation to lose the burden of problems, responsibilities and values of others.
And in order to find the entry point, where we will be in one piece with each other and united with the world, where power is lost mental desires and values of others, where decisions are made not by the mind, and the inner guru, every second fill our lives with light. At this point Awareness reaches its maximum concentration, expanding the boundaries of your vision of all processes. And to have only Energy is not enough for this purpose . Here on stage the attention and total presence - something that we have so little use in everyday life, and that gives it maximum intensity and flavor. That brings us to awaken and at the same time elevates over any adversity.

Within 7 days of practice you will get:
- experience of living standard states in which all your needs are coming into your life easy
- skills to work with the energy and ability to get it with simple and accessible tools
-exemption from accumulated during the previous years of emotional and physical pain
-purification of the mental garbage, mind stops
-tools to improve your relationship with your loved ones
-new ideas and creative inspiration for your daily activities
You will start to get more satisfaction out of life, and your life values range will expand to new and unexpected limits.

Our working day will consist of four units:
7.30-9.00 - yoga block (kundalini yoga with a partner, Osho practices )
11.00-14.00 - block of energy practices (T-pulsation, th-pulsation, breathing, dance techniques)
17.00-19.00 - therapy unit (steam room and group therapy, meditation, ranks)
20.30-22.00 - integrating block (tactical meditations)

Conducts training - Natalia Eremenko (Ma Tantra Yoganjana) - Head of Tantris school in Ukraine, the organizer Tantris tantra festivals in the Crimea and India, the author of articles about Tantra and Yoga, Osho sannyasin. Details about the coach you can find on site www.tantris.org.ua

Before the training, we invite you to the bus tour ... to recharge your spiritual energy of India. To do this, you need to arrive no later than 15th of December in a cheerful mood, attuned to an acquaintance with the country of contrasts. If you want your trip to India become the most informative and in a good mood, you need to aim to be amazed by everything , but do not to judge anything. And then you have a chance that India gently will wash your karmic debts. A revelation in this journey will be your introduction to embracing Mata - Indian healing saint - yes, yes - with her hugs.

The cost of participation in training is $ 250 if paid before December 15,
$ 300 - after December 15,
Volunteers pay $ 100 and participate in putting up and giving leaflets and posters.
You will pay a trip to cuddle Mate separately (bus and accommodation)

Training will take place in :
India, Goa, Mandrem, hotel Riva Beach resort

Accommodation during the training:
You can stay near the venue, in the room of one of the Riva hotel chains on the cost of the warm sea, with or without meals. There are categories of rooms from $ 5 to $ 150 per day per person.
The second option of settlement is an apartment or room in Arambol and Mandrem. Then you need a bike (scooter) or a taxi to get to us. You can learn how to ride bike as its not difficult . YOu do not need driving licence for riding a bike.

More details about the accommodation options we will send after your request.


Viber: +380677919282
Whatsupp +380677919282
e-mail: tantris@tantris.org.ua

22.12.2016 Просмотров: 1612

family therapy, tantra training, treininf for the pair, india travel, tantra goa
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