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22 Декабря 2016

шаманская тантра в гоа

Шаманская Тантра 3
с Натальей Еременко (Тантрис)
22-28 декабря, Гоа, Арамболь-Мандрем

Шаманская Тантра 3 - это новый тренинг школы Тантрис и Натальи Еременко. В нем дикая шаманская энергия поможет войти в тончайший тантрический поток, где решения принимает тело, где жизнь сама ведет тебя, только позволь себе соединиться со своей древней природой, со своим естеством, с генетической мудростью.
И если ты хочешь, ты можешь начать свое путешествие прямо сейчас. Готов? Тогда вперед!

22.12.2016 Просмотров: 1455 читать далее »

Tantra-2016-2017 in Goa

Tantra-2016-2017 in Goa, India

Tantric winter 2016-2017 will take part in Goa together with the Centre of Inspiration and TANTRIS school of relations. You will get three trainings and three sacred journey,25 days of opening yourself and your sexuality,a thousand shades of your new experiences, a million of insights and the infinite expansion of your borders!Arambol is the assemblage point

tantra in goa

Training Shamanic Tantra 

with Yoganjana

Dec 22-28, Goa, Arambol

In shaman's reality there are three worlds: the lower, the middle and the upper. His ability to travel from one world to other makes it possible to hold the energy, control the elements, heal people, to feel the planet. Shaman is the one who knows how to find the entry point through which all parallel of universe, a point that connects the past, present and future.
A modern man also lives in the triune world, but the names of his other layers are different: physical, emotional and mental. Joined together at the current time, they also form a kind of point of entry into a new reality, which gives us unconditional love, good health, vital realization, inner harmony, joy of life. The point is called Mindfulness.

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